Warm up your SharePoint Application Pools with Application Initialization for IIS 8 and 7.5

September 2, 2012 · 1 min read

To take away the pain of bothering about warming up our SharePoint Environment, Microsoft introduced the Application Initialization Module for IIS 8 and 7.5.

There was a module in beta status for quite a long time – and then it was retracted.

Now it’s back as a combination of global and application-specific rules that work not only for SharePoint 2013 but for SharePoint 2010 as well.

Follow these instructions and get rid of your warmup scripts ;-)

Addendum: In case you scrapped your IIS by manually editing the applicationhost.config and get an error message like “The Windows Process Activation Service encountered an error trying to read configuration data from file ‘\?\C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config’, line number ’0′. “ - IIS still has a backup of your file in c:\inetpub\history. Just use the appropriate file and everything should work fine again.
